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Canon Raphael Martelli - Friend of New Norcia and humble hero

18-20 May. Follow the life journey of one of Bishop Salvado’s close friends in the early days of the New Norcia mission. Raphael – or Raffaele – Martelli (1811-1880) was an Italian priest who spent the first part of his life in Italy and the second half in WA. He is buried in the cemetery at New Norcia. In this weekend we will follow the steps of his eventful life and along the way explore some of the momentous events of the nineteenth century. From his political activism in Risorgimento Italy, to disillusionment and a spiritual crisis, to a chance encounter with Rosendo Salvado and his decision to sail to the other side of the world, to long years of humble and generous service to the people of Western Australia. We will read excerpts from his writings and especially his many letters to friends. Martelli’s life offers precious insights for today’s world: on friendship, on practising intellectual freedom and Christian obedience, and on how to remain true to yourself and open to others. Presenter Prof John Kinder. Further info: