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Year of Youth - Jason Evert

Join American speaker and author Jason Evert for two amazing ‘Year of Youth’ talks around the Archdiocese. Limited spaces, register early. Young adults event; “How to save your marriage…Before you’re married.” Learn the six proven strategies to divorce-proof your future marriage. Whether single or in a relationship, this evening talk will give you some amazing strategies for a long and happy marriage. Thursday 22 March 7pm at Willetton Parish. Suggested donation $15. Registrations online: Teens and Family event – “Purified.”  An event for the entire family, which includes  presentation for parents (Parenting for Purity), followed by chastity talk for teens (Love or Lust?). This event is suitable for parents and teenage (13+) aged children. Friday 23 March evening, $15 per person or $50 (per family of 4+). Registrations and details online